Friday, August 28, 2020
The Emergence Of The Discipline Of Psychology From Its Early Essay
The Emergence Of The Discipline Of Psychology From Its Early Philosophical And Natural Science Beginnings - Essay Example He and his partners concentrated genuine enthusiasm on examining the brain through test thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is simply the point by point mental assessment of emotions and contemplations as they happened. The examination included fastidious perception of straightforward occasions under controlled conditions-one that could be estimated as to quality, power, or span and recording of the reactions to varieties of those occasions. The accentuation on control and estimation in these examinations were what initially settled brain science as a logical order. Wundt started the idea of expressing mental occasions corresponding to dispassionately understandable and quantifiable upgrades and responses. William James of a similar time likewise followed the mental strategy for thoughtfulness in The Principles, wherein he characterizes as the investigating our own personalities and revealing what we there find. Be that as it may, J.B. Watson scrutinized the sufficiency of those methodologies, thinking that on the off chance that one contemplation yield an alternate outcome with another wouldn't really imply that one lot of results is right and the other is off base. He contended that it was difficult to demonstrate or negate the outcomes got by that technique. He proposed that reviews be bound to what in particular can be estimated and seen by more than one individual. With that, Behaviorism was shaped.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The audacity of love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The boldness of adoration - Essay Example ise and Jerome Robbins is a wonderful mix of amusement and training that opens another vista relating to the class distinction and class awareness. â€Å"West Side Story†is an American film dependent on the unceasing sentimental play by Shakespeare, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†and adjusted from the Broadway Musical bearing a similar title. Be that as it may, these realities don't make this film ground-breaking. The mix and the fair mix of innumerable components create an amazing effect at the forefront of my thoughts. The urban retelling of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†set against the foundation of the lanes of Manhattan during the pre-fall of 1957 spins round the narrative of adoration between two adolescents from rival camps identified with NYC group and their result. The demise of Tony in the arms of Maria which reaffirms their adoration â€Å"Somewhere†demonstrates that the film shows that in spite of having each extension and opportunities for the darlings to be one, they neglect to accomplish that state because of class contrasts and social contentions. The start of the film shows the enthusiastic love of Tony and Maria and their moderate paced improvement of energy and want for each other assists with causing me to feel their enthusiasm and flooding feelings similarly. At the end of the day, the film makes me become hopelessly enamored with the romantic tale of Maria and Tony, woven inside the plot of the film. Normally toward the finish of the film the grievous outcomes of the da rlings give out a compelling passionate effect and a durable impact at the forefront of my thoughts and anybody watching the film would likewise go to a similar point that social contention drives the ages and the world no place. Additionally the urban setting and re-recounting the film empowers the contemporary psyche to relate with it unequivocally. â€Å"The Graduate†coordinated by Mike Nichols is an American parody dramatization that was discharged in the year 1967. The plot of the film â€Å"The Graduate â€Å" joins an extra-standard and charming romantic tale between its principle characters, Benjamin Braddock played by the Academy Award
Friday, August 21, 2020
Economy Monetary Policy and Read Ch. Free Essays
ASSIGNMENTS Weekly Point Values ASSIGNMENTS |Due |Points | |Individual (70%) | |â | |Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper |Week 2 |15 | |Federal Reserve Presentation |Week 4 |15 | |International Trade and Finance Speech |Week 5 |10 | |Final Examination |Week 5 |15 | |Participation (3 focuses/class) |All |15 | |Student End of Course Surveys (SEOCS) |Week 4-5 |†| |Learning Team (30%) | |â | |Learning Team Charter |Week 2 |†| |Weekly Reflection |Week 2 |3 | |Aggregate Demand and Supply Models |Week 3 |14 | |Weekly Reflection |Week 3 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |Week 4 |3 | |Fiscal Policy Paper |Week 5 |7 | |Learning Team Evaluation |Week 5 |†| |Total | |100 | |Week One: Fundamentals of Macroeconomics | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Explain the monetary connection of assets among family units, government, and business. | |Describe total national output, swelling rate, joblessness rate, and financing cost. | |Identify wellsprings of recorded financial information and monetary conjectures. We will compose a custom paper test on Economy: Monetary Policy and Read Ch. or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now | |Reading |Read Ch. 1 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 6 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 7 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 8 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | |Participation |Participate in class conversation. |11/26/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to week after week conversation questions. | |Week Two: Aggregate Demand and Supply Models | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Analyze the effect of different factors on total interest and flexibly. | |Evaluate the viability of changes in monetary arrangements utilizing Keynesian and Classical | |models. | |Reading |Read Ch. 10 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 12 of Macroeconomics. | |Participation |Participate in class conversation. |12/03/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to week by week conversation questions. | |Individual |Resource: Figure 3-1 in Ch. 3 of Macroeconomics. |12/03/12 |15 | |Fundame ntals of | |Macroeconomics Paper |Part 1 | |Describe the accompanying terms in your words. | |Gross residential item (GDP) | |Real GDP | |Nominal GDP | |Unemployment rate | |Inflation rate | |Interest rate | |Part 2 | |Consider the accompanying instances of monetary exercises: | |Purchasing of staple goods | |Massive cutback of representatives | |Decrease in charges | |Describe how every one of these exercises influences government, family units, and organizations. | |Describe the progression of assets starting with one element then onto the next for every action. | |Write a 750-to 1,250-word paper summing up the outcomes. | |Learning Team |Develop a rundown of assets you may use to assemble authentic financial information just as |12/03/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |economic figure information. | |Explain how and why each source is significant and helpful. | |Identify any quantitative or subjective guaging factors contained in the sources. | |Discuss this week’s goals with you r group. Your conversation ought to incorporate the points you| | |feel alright with, any subjects you battled with, and how the week after week themes identify with | |application in your field. | |Write a 350-to 700-word paper that subtleties your team’s discoveries. | Week Three: Monetary Policy | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Assess the components adding to the foundation of general and explicit paces of | |interest. | |Explain the job of the Federal Reserve System in structuring and actualizing U. S. onetary | |policies. | |Analyze how the cash multiplier impact encourages the formation of cash. | |Reading |Read Ch. 11 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 13 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 14 of Macroeconomics. | |Participation |Participate in class conversation. |12/10/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to week after week conversation questions. | |Learning Team |For this task, you will look over the accompanying choices: |12/10/12 |14 | |Aggrega te Demand and | |Supply Models |Option 1: Economic Advisement Paper | |Option 2: Economic Critique | |Read the guidelines in the University of Phoenix Material: Aggregate Demand and Supply | |Models situated on the understudy site and select one alternative to finish the task. | |Learning Team |Discuss this week’s destinations with your group. Your conversation ought to incorporate the points you |12/10/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |feel alright with, any subjects you battled with, and how the week by week themes identify with | |application in your field. | |Write a 350-to 700-word paper itemizing the discoveries of your conversation. | |Week Four: Fiscal Policy †Politics, Deficits, and Debt | Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Analyze the impact of shortage, overflow, and obligation on the strength of the U. S. macroeconomy. | |Reading |Read Ch. 17 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 18 of Macroeconomics. | |Participation |Participate in class conversation. |12/17/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to week by week conversation questions. | |Individual |Your manager has picked you to give an introduction to various outside authorities in regards to |12/17/12 |15 | |Federal Reserve |the United States Federal Reserve System. These authorities are keen on doing | |Presentation |business in the United States, ho wever they might want to study the Fed, how it | |operates and how its activities may influence their business. | |Develop a 5-to 10-slide Microsoftâ ® PowerPoint ® introduction. | |Address the accompanying inquiries and incorporate a notes page which contains the review parcel | |to each question: | |What are the elements that would impact the Federal Reserve in modifying the markdown rate? | |How does the markdown rate influence the choices of banks in setting their particular premium | |rates? | |How does fiscal strategy control the cash flexibly and expansion? | |How does an improvement program (through the cash multiplier) influence the cash gracefully? | |What current indictors are obvious that there is excessively or too minimal expenditure inside the | |economy and how is fiscal arrangement meaning to alter this? | |How do the above variables sway singular organizations? | |Learning Team |Discuss this week’s targets with your group. Your conversation ought to incor porate the subjects you |12/17/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |feel alright with, any points you battled with, and how the week after week themes identify with | |application in your field. | |Prepare a 350-to 700-word paper itemizing the discoveries of your conversation. | Week Five: International Trade and Finance | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | |Analyze the impacts of worldwide exchange on the U. S. macroeconomy. | |Explain how outside trade rates are resolved. | |Analyze the effect of exchange limitations, duties, and quantities on the U. S. macroeconomy. | |Reading |Read Ch. 19 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 20 of Macroeconomics. | |Reading |Read Ch. 21 of Macroeconomics. | |Participation |Participate in class conversation. |01/07/13 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to week after week conversation questions. | |Individual |Resources: Macroeconomics |01/07/13 |15 | |Final Examination | |Click the connection to the Final Examination on your understudy site. | |Com plete the Final Examination. You are permitted one endeavor to finish the test, which is | |timed and must be finished in 3 hours. Results are auto reviewed and sent to your teacher. | |Note. Last Examination questions are adjusted from Macroeconomics. | |Individual |Assume that you have been delegated as the Speaker of the House. You should convey a discourse |01/07/13 |10 | |International Trade and |about the present condition of the U. S. macroeconomy to various novice columnists who are | |Finance Speech |unfamiliar with financial matters. | |Prepare a 700-to 1,050-word discourse in straightforward terms and ideas that emphasis on universal | |trade and outside trade rates. | |Integrate an outline of your responses to the accompanying inquiries and refer to outer research to| | |further legitimize your realities: | |What happens when there is an excess of imports brought into the U. S.? Refer to a particular | |example of an item with an import excess, and the effect that has on the U. S. organizations | |and purchasers included. | |What are the impacts of global exchange to GDP, residential markets and college understudies? | |How do government decisions with respect to levies and standards influence worldwide relations and| | |trade? | |What are remote trade rates? How are they decided? | |Why doesn†™t the U. S. basically confine all products rolling in from China? Why can’t the U. S. just | |minimize the measure of imports rolling in from every single other nation? | |Learning Team |Discuss inside your Learning Team how and why the U. S. s shortage, overflow and obligation have a |01/07/13 |7 | |Fiscal Policy Paper |effect on the accompanying: | |Tax payers | |Future Social Security and Medicare clients | |Unemployed people | |University of Phoenix understudy | |The United State’s money related notoriety on an I
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Benefits of Using LSAT Essay Writing Samples
Benefits of Using LSAT Essay Writing SamplesLSAT essay writing samples are online resources where you can get a wide variety of writing samples from various universities. If you want to learn how to write an LSAT essay, then this is the best resource for you.For example, if you want to apply for the SAT and are struggling with your skills and do not want to write a sample, you can check out the University of California or the University of Michigan. These colleges have lots of different sample essays online that you can get inspiration from.The university's study guides are also very helpful and easy to read. There are guides, which provide tips on different topics such as giving solutions to questions and writing an essay. These guides will allow you to improve your level of knowledge and your writing skills.You can even get sample essays that are submitted by students who already have gotten their essays accepted by the admissions offices. It is so easy to find these essays online because there are already hundreds of writers who post their work online. However, you need to be careful with their information because there are some samples which have been altered or modified to make it easier for the writer to write it.You can also use online writing samples which have the rules and regulations of the test and the question paper. Also, if you are unsure about what to include in the essay, you can consult your school counselor who can give you the proper instructions.Since the LSAT is a test of different things, you can use different tools and resources to achieve the best score. The various resources that you can use online our LSAT essay writing samples.When you use the LSAT as your writing sample, you can improve your writing skills, increase your vocabulary and analyze your weaknesses. If you fail to do this, you can be in for a tough time in the future when you try to apply for various other tests and scholarships. This will affect your education, and the s cholarships you get after the test will also be affected.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Operation Management--Ikea - 1925 Words
IKEA History and Company Information IKEA retailing with its Sweedish roots, is based on a franchise system. Inter Ikea system BV is located in Delft, the Netherland being the owner and franchiser of the concept IKEA. ( The company aims to sell furnitures for 10 to 30 percent less then other stores ( source - stevension ). Every Ikea employee still follows the vision quotes of Ingvar Kampard to create a better everyday life for many people. During 2010 global sales as reported were 23.1 billion. It took long time and careful planning for Ikea to offer sophisticated products to customers at reasonable price. According to slack operation (2010) management deal how company manage its operation production and sales being two†¦show more content†¦Because of the attractive floor layout, large space and systematic furniture display customers spend more time in IKEA stores and those time is being added value by their purchase and make those a quality time. After entering any IKEA store customers feel like entering their house and the layout showcased in the store creates an imaginative intention designing idea with in the customers. Like all other organizations porter 1980 four v s - volume, variety, variation in demand and visibility affects the organisation operation lies behind the operation strategies of it. The Volume Dimension The volume of the Ikea company is an important factors that measures its performance. They products furniture in high volume on the fiscal year 2009. Ikea hard about 123,000 employees and its total revenue amounted to about 22,713 million pound. In August 2009 the firm operated 301 stores in different countries. The above data reveals the dimension of the company in terms of size and manufacturing.The furniture is produced in a very big volume and sold in the warehouse. The company has economies of scale due to reasonable price of theShow MoreRelatedOperation Management on Ikea1851 Words  | 8 Pagesobjective of writing this report is to identity and analyzes operation system applied in IKEA, the well-known low cost yet high quality home of furnishing. Function, process and strategy of IKEA operation system will be accessed to identity the core competency that lead to the successfulness of IKEA in the world. Besides, other purpose in complete this report is to analyze the strengt h and weakness of operation system in IKEA. Operation management is procedure where processes of production or deliver goodsRead MoreOperation Management Ikea6167 Words  | 25 Pagesfollowing assignment is based on operations managements within IKAE. The aim of this unit is to analyse the operations functions within the organisation by understanding strategic operations management, the operations process and planning and control. â€Å"Operations management is an area of business that is concerned with the production of goods and services, and involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient and effective. It is also the management of resources, the distributionRead MoreIKEA operations management4810 Words  | 20 PagesOperations Management Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues - IKEA case ï ¿ ½ TABLE OF CONTENTS 2Executive Summary ï ¿ ½ 2Introduction ï ¿ ½ 2Company profile and Situational Analysis ï ¿ ½ 3Growth and profitability ï ¿ ½ 5Culture ï ¿ ½ 5Goals ï ¿ ½ 5Competitors ï ¿ ½ 5SWOT analysis ï ¿ ½ 6PESTLE Analysis ï ¿ ½ 6Political Analysis ï ¿ ½ 6Economic Analysis ï ¿ ½ 6Technology Analysis ï ¿ ½ 7Sociological Analysis ï ¿ ½ 7Legal Analysis ï ¿ ½ 7Environmental Analysis ï ¿ ½ 7Input-Transformation-Output ï ¿ ½ 8Corporate Objectives ï ¿ ½ 9Quality ï ¿ ½ 10SpeedRead MoreIkea Operations Management2832 Words  | 12 PagesOperations Management:IKEA IKEA’s BUSINESS IDEA ( â€Å"We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Introduction At the outset, it may be useful to characterise IKEA in terms of the characteristics of demand (also known as the four Vs, see Slack et al. p 20). First, IKEA is clearly a high volume operation – as indeed most international retailers are – which lendsRead MoreOperation Management of Ikea2136 Words  | 9 Pageschain approaches, the firm will increase the benefits of supply chain network. In this report we have focused on supply chain inventory management and technology selection practices and how it is beneficial for the firm. In the firm operations are linked with different strategies. For example the change in supply chain has an effect on inventory management as well as technology selections. At the end we have given some recommendations and conclusion for increasing its efficiency by supply chainRead MoreIkea Operations Management3070 Words  | 13 Pages Profile: ikea IKEA is the world’s most successful mass-market retailer, selling Scandinavian-style home furnishings and other house goods in 230 stores in 33 countries and hosting 410 million shoppers per year. An acronym for founder Ingvar Kamprad and his boyhood home of Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd, IKEA began operating in Sweden in 1943 and continues its original ethos based upon cost obsession fused with design culture. No design, no matterRead MoreHow Does Ikea Approach Operations Management?6114 Words  | 25 PagesThe main purpose of this paper is to focus on the how IKEA Company approached its operation management. Particularly, it covers the following: how the company establish and manage customer requirements, secondly how does these customers requirements used for the company’s product and services, then, third covers the operational systems and processes it used in its operation, fourth consists of capacity planning, process layout, and product services/scheduling, inventory a nd projects were managedRead MoreOperations Managment14673 Words  | 59 PagesKey operations questions Chapter 1 Operations management âž ¤ What is operations management? âž ¤ Why is operations management important in all types of organization? âž ¤ What is the input–transformation– output process? âž ¤ What is the process hierarchy? âž ¤ How do operations processes have different characteristics? âž ¤ What are the activities of operations management? Chapter 2 Operations performance âž ¤ Why is operations performance important in any organization? âž ¤ How does the operations function incorporateRead MoreThe Operation Strategies And Cost Leadership1399 Words  | 6 PagesSummary This business report discusses and explores the operation strategies and cost leadership of both IKEA and Fruity fro-yo and how it relates to business operations. The success of the business will also be assessed through the identified operations strategies that each of the businesses applies into their operations. This results in increased operations efficiency, which is discussed within this business report. Strategic role of management - Cost leadership Cost leadership: Cost leadershipRead MoreIkea s Market Tool For The Retail Giant Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: IKEA is a multinational group of companies, specialized in designs and sells home furniture (ready to assemble). They also sell accessories, bathroom kitchen items and lately they have offered food market in their retail stores around the world. It was founded by Ingvar Kamprad who born in southern Sweden in 1926 and who was listed as one of the world s richest people in 2013. The company is known by its modern (simplicity) design, cost control, operation details and continues product
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of Genetic Factors And Contribution To The Risk...
There is extensive and consistent evidence that genetic factors play an important role in modifying an individuals risk for type 2 diabetes of which 70 or more genetic variants have now been associated (Ali,2013) from GWAS studies yet type-2-diabetes genetic risk has limited genes of major effect. Thus, the search for genes contributing to the risk of T2D has been difficult, and the genes themselves have been elusive. A series of genome-wide association scans for type 2 diabetes has been published which shows hundreds of thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the genome which have been assayed in samples from populations of almost exclusively European ancestry, and novel genes such as TCF7L2, SLC30A8, IDE-KIF 11-HHEX,†¦show more content†¦99.9% of the bases in the human genome are remarkably similar; it is the remaining 0.1% of the bases that make an individual unique (Huang, Shu and Cai, 2015). Among this 0.1% of bases, more than 90% are SNPs (FS. Collin s, LD Brooks and A.Chakravarti, 1998). Barbujani et al. (1997) estimated that 85% of SNPs are common to all human populations and that only 15% of SNPs are population specific. Huang, Shu and Cai, (2015) found that SNPs could contribute to many different characteristics, including skin colour, eye colour and the risk of diseases among different populations. Many ethnic minorities in Europe have a higher type 2 diabetes prevalence than their host European populations. The risk size differs between ethnic groups, but the extent of the differences in the various ethnic minority groups has not yet been systematically quantified. Meeks et al. (2015) carried out a meta-analysis of published data on T2D in various ethnic minority populations resident in Europe compared to their host European populations. In this study the ethnic minorities were classified into five populations by geographical origin: South Asian (SA), Sub-Saharan African (SSA), Middle Eastern and North America (MENA), South and Central American (SCA), and Western Pacific (WP). Compared with host populations, SA origin populations had the highestShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Genetic Uses For Type 2 Diabetes730 Words  | 3 Pagesextensive and consistent data that shows genetic factors play an important role in predisposing an individual for type 2 diabetes, of which now 70 or more genetic variants have been associated (Ali,2013) from GWAS studies yet type-2-diabetes genetic risk has limited genes of major effect. Thus, the search for genes contributing to the risk of T2D has been difficult, and the genes themselves have been elusive. A range of genome-wide association scans for type 2 diabetes have been published which show hundredsRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1413 Words  | 6 Pagesmore than 1.5 billion people that are overweight worldwide (2). There are more than 280 million people around the world that have been diagnosed with diabetes, resulting in at least 1 in 20 adults (2,8). Currently, diabetes is ranked as the seventh overall cause of death in the United States (9). In 2010, on 69,071 death certificates in the United States, diabetes was listed as the underlying cause, and in 234,051 death certificates, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death (6). The Centers for DiseaseRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effect On Childre n s Wellbeing And Health999 Words  | 4 Pagesmeasurements (Ogden, 2014). Effects of obesity on health: Psychological and emotional problems are the first to occur in children with obesity. However, this condition can also result to other life-threatening issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, sleep problems and other such related disorders. Other disorders may include early puberty, menarche, liver disease and eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, asthma, skin infections and other such related respiratory problems. HoweverRead MoreThe Disease Of Common Diseases1244 Words  | 5 PagesCommon diseases such as diabetes, cancer, autism, and age-related macular degeneartion effect substantial number of people. Understanding of genetic causes of these diseases will provide fundamental insight for preventing, diagnosing, and eventually curing these diseases. In the past few decades, more than a thousand of rare Mendelian diseases causative genes have been identified by combination of linkage analysis with positional cloning ( However, this strategy d oes not have enoughRead MorePrevalence Of Type 2 Diabetes2117 Words  | 9 PagesPrevalence of type 2 diabetes is on the rise globally, currently affecting about 366 million individual worldwide (3). One fifth of the world’s population is the South Asian community, which shockingly has the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes, globally. (1,4). â€Å"Type 2 diabetes is group of metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both†(Hunter, 1999, pg.#). Type 2 diabetes is also known as Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusRead MoreThe Prevalence And Incidence Of Type 2 Diabetes Essay1664 Words  | 7 PagesA. Statement of the Problem The prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes are increasing worldwide, particularly in devel-oping countries, in conjunction with increased obesity rates and westernization of lifestyle (In-zucchi et al., 2012). The economic burden for health care systems is skyrocketing, owing to the costs associated with treatment and diabetes complications. Type 2 diabetes remains a leading cause of cardiovascular disorders, blindness, end-stage renal failure, amputations, and hospitali-zationsRead MoreWeb of Diabetes Causation in the Elderly2549 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿Web of Diabetes Causation in the Elderly Web of Diabetes Causation in the Elderly Introduction Epidemiology is the study of environmental and genetic influences on the prevalence of disease and injury (Rossignol, 2007, p. 1). Environmental influences include pollution, lifestyle choices, health care access, care quality, social factors, and workplace hazards. These and other factors help to determine geographic, social, and economic differences in health quality. Epidemiology is therefore theRead MoreFresno County Of Fresno City1535 Words  | 7 Pagesfor residents or tourists. Downtown Fresno is home of numerous museums featuring the diversity of cultures for instance Arte Americas includes art from Mexico, and other Latin countries. Also, Fresno has various dining places that offer different types of food from Italian to Indian and few vegan options. Another characteristic Fresno has is the Tower District, its neighborhood contains â€Å"white-collar and blue-collar, families and singles, students and retirees, conservative and liberal†(The TowerRead MoreEpidemiol ogy and Primary Diabetes Prevention Essay1965 Words  | 8 Pagescertificates listed diabetes as the fifth leading cause of death for Blacks aged 45 to 64, and the third leading cause of death for those aged 65 and older in 1990.†(Bailey, 2007). These statistics show how serious the problem of diabetes has become in the black community. Epidemiological studies can focus the efforts of the healthcare community to effective interventions aimed at lowering the prevalence and incidence of diabetes among African Americans. This paper will explore the role of epidemiologyRead MoreObesity Is A Rising Concern1906 Words  | 8 Pagescomplex physiological and genetic systems, which protect them against starvation and protects deposited body fat. Technological aids lessen physical effort, which give rise to an obesogenic environment, thus increasing the risks of obesity and associated diseases (Bellisari, 2008). According to Brown (1991), cultural and biological evolution framework provides the best understanding of human tendencies to obesity and fatness. Both, cultural traits and genes play a significant role in the etiology of adult
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Maintenance Scorecard and Strategic Advantage †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Maintenance Scorecard and Strategic Advantage. Answer: Introduction In the current time of globalization and digital era, each and every type of organizations are facing a lot of business issues due to tight competition in the market, changes in the technology and globalization. These factors are forcing the business firms to adopt new methods, tools and technology in order to conduct the business functions successfully, gain competitive advantages and reduce costs. For example, Balanced score card is one of the most common and useful approach this is used by a company in order to improve business performance, reduce cost and compete in the market. This method improves all the business areas of a company and brings innovation and development within the current business process and systems (Blokdijk, 2008). Basically, this research would discuss the concepts, roles and significance of a balance score card approach in enhancing the overall performance of a company. Moreover, it would also discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of implementing a B SC approach at the workplace. Additionally, the implementation issues as well as implementation process of BSC would be discussed in order to fulfill the objectives of the paper. Finally, this research study recommends some strategies to overcome the challenges associated with the implementation of BSC. Basically, a BSC can be defined as innovative and strategic management system/tools that help the business firms in attaining their core and strategic objectives effectively. In addition to this, BSC is also play a lot of significant role in the overall success and growth of a company. For example, this BSC is allows a company to analyze their internal and external business environment and identify negative factors those are affecting the total success of the company. Moreover, a BSC is also guides the business firms that they should understand their business operations, functions and success from the four major perspectives such as: Financial, Customer/Stakeholder, Internal Process and Organizational Capacity (Smith, 2010). Along with this, it should also be noted down that, this management tool is provides strategic direction to a company in order to improve the current and future business performance. For example, it provides opportunities to the companies to reduce intangible uncertainties. Moreover, it is also analyzed that, BSC is important for each and every types of business firms in order to attain competitive scope. For case, BSC can be used as a business framework by a company or its management not only to improve organizational performance but also track and manage different business and operational policies, strategies and method. Along with this, it is also important to know that, with the effective use of BSC, a company could be able to analyze and access various internal functions in an innovative manner that is important to improve organizational performance (Burney and Paul, 2008). Effectiveness of Balance Score Card It is true that, a balance score card is more effective, valuable and significant tool for the business firms that bring innovation within the internal environment of a company. In addition to this, with the help of BSC, a company can not only attain competitive advantages but also introduce various business strategies, methods and innovative operating process. This tool is also allows the companies to monitor organizational performance through the different views and introduce new objectives by monitoring existing. For example, all these measures provide a fast and comprehensive view to the top management of the company about the organizations current performance (Wisner, 2011). It also includes both results and process. Additionally, BSC assists the companies to focus on the strategic agenda and bring innovation within the current business process, strategies and operations. On the other hand, it is also important to know that, a BSC is also more effective tool because it indicates overall performance of each and every business unit and department separately and successfully. By collecting this information, the management of the company could develop balance among the long and short term actions and objectives. At the same time, a balance score card is also bring innovation, accountability, creditability, flexibility within the business process and operational methods. Hence, it can be said that, a BSC is more important, effective and significant to attain the strategic vision, mission and objectives of a company (Withee, 2010). In the current time, a balance score card approach is used as a management accounting technique by the business firms in order to conduct and perform the functions related the management accounting. For example, business firms are using this as a management accounting method in order to support different management functions such as: Translating the Vision, Business Planning, Communicating Linking and Feedback and Learning. For example, with the help of BSC, a company can create and develop accounting strategies and method that could be used to bring innovation and improvements in the management accounting transactions (Rampersad, 2006). Moreover, a company could make long and short term plan by considering and using the applications of BSC. For example, it allows the accountants to make different types of budget for the total success. In addition to this, business firms can make plans for the future by accessing the different areas of business. Along with this, it is also provide d ifferent significant opportunities to the firms to utilize capital resources effectively and properly (Chai, 2009). Implementation and other Issues of Balance Score Card It is analyzed that, when a company execute and implement a balance score card approach within the organization, several types of implementation and other issues are faced that negatively affect the success of the company in the current and future. For example, taking decision regarding the use of BSC is challenging and complicated decision because it may affect the employees and companys performance directly or indirectly. In addition to this, implementation of a BSC is also require great efforts, more time and high cost that negatively influence the profitability and market share of the company. For example, if a company has decided to implement BSC at the workplace, it has to invest billions of dollars in the expectation and implementation of BSC. So, it would be more costly and time consuming decision (Demirkan, Spohrer and Krishna, 2011). At the same time, a company may also face the issues related to lack of Efficient Data Collection Reporting, security, cyber crime and others. Additionally, employee Resistance and Incomplete Information related issues could be faced by the company. For example, the new system would bring a direct change not only in the business process and strategies but also change in the attitude and behavior of employees. This may create confusion, miscommunication and de-motivation among the different level of managers or employees. Moreover, the implementation process would also require financial support from the company, management support for the decision, and too much internet focus. Additionally, the company would also have to hire specific people with specific knowledge to understand the balance score card within the company and this would directly increase the costs for the company. At the same time, several issues may also be encountered by the company due to the implementation of BSC s uch as: lack of communication, planning, coordination, proper support, lack of IT team, lack of knowledge etc (Friedrichs, 2011). Implementing balance Score Card Appropriate Timeline Required The implementation process is more challenging task for the companies because they have to consider several factors before the execution in the company. Moreover, several techniques, methods and ways are also used to develop and implement a balance score card. The following are the key and major steps that should be followed in order to effectively and successfully implement the balance scorecard (Niven, 2011). Assessing the mission, vision, objectives and goal of the organization: As per this step, first the organizational vision, mission, goals, objectives should be defined and explained effectively. This would help the company in creating a picture of the future that company wants to create (Mather, 2005). Defining the Business Strategy: In the next step, a company would needs to create a business strategy for the BSC. This strategy would allow the company to address the major challenges associate with the BSC and provide possible methods to address such issues more effectively. For example, the company would also need to address the current issues that have impact on the success of the company. Moreover, the management would have to identify the major causes behind the business challenges and have to adopt methods to deal with these. This step would also required to use various methods and techniques such as: SWOT, gap analysis, risk assessment, etc (Grembergen, 2004). Concentrate on Client Necessity: According to this step, the management of the company should use a specific strategy in order to analyze the issues as per the needs of customers. It would help the company in creating the value, costs, and quality of the items. Focusing on Internal business process: In this step, a company should effectively focus on internal business and adjust the goals/objectives and tasks with the strategic plan of the company. In the same way, a company should adopt specific practices, activities and exercises. Strategy Map: In this stage, the top management of the company would use strategic mapping in order to evaluate that how the strategic plan would help the company in attaining organizational objectives. Additionally, the management would also create strategy, makes plan and develop specific strategy to attain the organizational objectives (Khosrowpour, 2006). Assigning initiatives and implementing process: In this step of BSC, the company and its top management should provide strategic guidelines to their organizational people or employees about their tasks, functions, roles and responsibilities. It means the management would have to develop a clear understanding about the roles, significance and importance of BSC. This would help the company to make the process more effective and successful (Wrembel and Koncilia, 2007). Cascade the scorecard: It is the step by which the company would require to adopt and use different strategies, tools and procedures towards the organizational objectives. Moreover, both internal and external environment would be access to attain the key objectives. Evaluate the scorecard and the process: In this step the company would adopt all the four key areas to measure and tract the performance of the organizations. This step would also allows the company to identify the major factors that were affecting the success of the company in the market (Murby, and Gould, 2005). Conclusion On the basis of above discussion, it can be concluded and recommended that, it is important and essential for the management of company to create and develop specific methods in order to effectively and successfully execute the Balance score card within the company. Moreover, it is also important to link BSC with the organizational business operations and functions. On the other hand, the management or company should also arrange the training and development programs so that the employees could be able to understand the advantages of BSC. At the same time, the management should also try to develop relationships, and trust with their employees in order to avoid future challenges (Kanji, 2012). Moreover, the company should also consider and involve their employees and staff in the decision making process in order to improve understanding about the new system within the company. Along with this, a company as well as its management must also consider all the factors related to BSC before implementing the new system. For example, the company should consider the cost, time and impact of BSC. It means they should take ideas about the implementation cost of BSC. Hence, all these strategies should be used in order to avoid the implementation issues effectively (Mather, 2005). References Blokdijk, G. (2008). Balanced Scorecard 100 Success Secrets, 100 Most Asked Questions on Approach, Development, Management, Measures, Performance and Strategy. USA: Burney, L. and Paul, A. (2008). Financial Services Corporation: Implementing an HR balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal, 1(2), pp.1-10. Chai, N. (2009). Sustainability Performance Evaluation System in Government: A Balanced Scorecard Approach Towards Sustainable Development. USA: Springer. Demirkan, H., Spohrer, J.C. and Krishna, V. (2011). Service Systems Implementation. USA: Springer. Friedrichs, C. (2011). An analysis how the Balanced Score Card approach could enhance the personal contentedness considering the change in the society from a Work/Life balance to a multi-duty-life of individuals in consulting companies in Germany. USA: Diplomarbeiten Agentur. Grembergen, W.V. (2004). Strategies for Information Technology Governance. UK: Idea Group Inc (IGI). Kanji, G.K. (2012). Measuring Business Excellence. UK: Routledge. Khosrowpour, M. (2006). Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management: 2006 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Washington, DC, USA, May 21-24, 2006. UK: Idea Group Inc (IGI). Mather, D. (2005). The Maintenance Scorecard: Creating Strategic Advantage. USA: Industrial Press Inc. Murby, L. and Gould, S. (2005). Effective Performance Management with the Balanced Scorecard: Technical Report. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved from: gt_with_Balanced_Scd_July_2005.pdf Niven, P.R. (2011). Balanced Scorecard: Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies (2nd ed.). Canada: John Wiley Sons. Rampersad, H.K. (2006). Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness. USA: IAP. Smith, R.F. (2010). Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard: Using Processes as Strategic Drivers. Canada: John Wiley Sons. Wisner, J.D. (2011). Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach. USA: Cengage Learning. Withee, K. (2010). Microsoft Business Intelligence For Dummies. USA: John Wiley Sons. Wrembel, R. and Koncilia, C. (2007). Data Warehouses And OLAP: Concepts, ArchitecturesAnd Solutions. UK: Idea Group Inc (IGI).
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Trifles by Susan Glaspell An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright Essay Example
Trifles by Susan Glaspell: An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright Paper The short story Trifles written by Susan Glaspell is a story regarding the investigation of the murder of John Wright by his wife, Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Hale is the wife of Mr. Hale, one of the men investigating the murder, and the neighbor of the Wrights. While the men investigate around the farmhouse looking for clues to prove Mrs. Wright was guilty, Mrs. Hale is downstairs with Mrs. Peters discovering their own evidence in the mishaps of Mrs. Wrights cleaning and sewing. Mrs. Hale begins to reminisce on how cheerful and full of life Mrs. Wright was prior to her marriage. She regrets not visiting with Mrs. Wright throughout the years especially since they were neighbors. Upon finding the unfinished quilt and the empty bird cage, they discover a dead canary with a strangled neck, the same way Mr. Wright’s neck was strangled. She begins to see the reasoning for Mrs. Wright murdering her husband. She concludes that Mrs. Wright was unhappy with her marriage and possibly neglected. She decides to keep this information between her and Mrs. Peters instead of informing the men of their findings. Why would Mrs. Hale’s change in view of Mrs. Wright make her justify the reasoning behind why she murdered her husband? Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is a theory developed by Abraham Maslow to understand human motivation to fulfill our peak potential. It is described as a model which is divided into our basic needs (physiology, safety, love and esteem) and our growth needs (cognitive, aesthetic, and self-actualization. ) (McLeod, 2007) Saul McLeod believes that one must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing to meet higher level growth needs. (McLeod, 2007) Mrs. We will write a custom essay sample on Trifles by Susan Glaspell: An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trifles by Susan Glaspell: An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trifles by Susan Glaspell: An Investigation of The Murder of John Wright specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hales regresses from the cognitive need down to the love and belonging need as she begins to see Mrs. Wright as the friend whom she used to have and because of this she believes she was in an unhappy and neglected marriage, which has driven her to murder her husband. After entering the Wright house, which is now a crime scene for the murder of Mr. Wright, Mrs. Hale is left alone downstairs with Mrs. Peters while the men go upstairs to find evidence to prove that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband. Upon engaging in conversation Mrs. Hale’s cognitive need becomes apparent when they inspect the knitting on Mrs. Wrights quilt. Mrs. Hales states â€Å"Mrs. Peters, look at this one. Here, this is the one she was working on, and look at the sewing! All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It’s all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didnt know what she was about. †(Glaspell, 666). Mrs. Hale suspects that something could have caused the negligence of her stitching, She asks Mrs. Peters â€Å"What do you supposed she was so nervous about? †(Glaspell, 666) She seemed intrigued, insinuating there may have been a reason which drove her to murder her husband. Mrs. Hale is staggering on the cognitive level which is preventing her from progressing on to the next level of aesthetic because she is not concerned with her own needs to express herself in a pleasing way, But to express Mrs. Wright in a more pleasing way and not as some horrific murderer. Mrs. Hale goes on to explain to Mrs. Peters; â€Å"I wish you’d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang. †(Glaspell, 670) She wants Mrs. Peters to view Mrs. Wright in the positive way that she was prior to her failed marriage. This actually shows her regression down to the love and belonging level. Towards the end of the play she realizes that she has been so busy in her life that she had neglected her friend in a time of need. She regrets not visiting her, stating that â€Å"I wish I’d come over here once in a while! That was a crime! That was a crime! Who’s going to punish that? †(Glaspell, 670) She feels guilty for not realizing that Mrs. Wright needed help. She tells Mrs. Peters â€Å"I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be-for women. I tell you, it’s queer, Mrs. Peters. We live so close together and we live far apart. †(Glaspell, 670) Mrs. Hale wishes she had been a better friend to Mrs. Wright and by doing that feels that could have helped prevent the murder from even happening. Maslows Law is a good theory to represent the understanding of Mrs. Hale, it signifies the importance of better understanding why she acted as she did. We use Maslows Law of Hierarchy Needs to better understand what motivates us to reach our full potential. According to McLeod, â€Å"progress is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs. (McLeod, 2007) Because Mrs. Hale had begun to care for her old friend, after trying to figure out what caused her to become a murder, She had regressed back down to the love and belonging level, Thus preventing her from progressing to the aesthetic level. WORKS CITED: McLeod, S. A. (2007). Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. Backpack Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writ ing Fourth Edition. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. , 2012. 659-671. Print.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
An analysis on the relevance of published financial statement to decision makers in Zimbabwe. Essays
An analysis on the relevance of published financial statement to decision makers in Zimbabwe. Essays An analysis on the relevance of published financial statement to decision makers in Zimbabwe. Essay An analysis on the relevance of published financial statement to decision makers in Zimbabwe. Essay Faculty of commercialism Department of accounting and it Chapter one Subject: An analysis on the relevancy of published fiscal statement to determination shapers in Zimbabwe. ( A instance survey of econet radio Zimbabwe ) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULLFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR BACHELOR OF COMMERCE HONOURS DEGREE IN Accounting Chapter: 1 Introduction Fiscal statements are the most widely used and most comprehensive manner of pass oning fiscal information about a concern endeavor to users of the information provided in the studies. The chief aim of fiscal statement is to supply the proprietors and investors, authorities, employees, Tenders, providers, clients, investing analysts and the populace to look into the public presentation of an endeavor ; comparison and contrast past public presentation to current public presentation of the organisation Moskowitz ( 2000 ) The user groups have a assortment of specific information demands and merely particular purpose fiscal statement may hold the ability to turn to those demands. The Accounting model ( par. 10 ) acknowledges that fiscal statements can non run into the demands of all these users, but argues that the proviso of fiscal statement that meet the demands of investors will besides run into most of the demands of other users. research has extensively examined the relevancy of accounting informations in order to measure the utility of fiscal statements to the users Papadaki and Siougle ( 2007 ) . Published fiscal statement is defined as relevant if it has a predicted association with equity market values. The survey was designed to measure whether the corporate studies are relevant in supplying information that is utile to the determination shapers. Barth et Al ( 2001 ) . 1.1 Background of the survey In recent times the demand for proper corporate fiscal revelation of listed companies was increasing and the failures of big companies registered on the most of import stock exchange have exerted excess force per unit area on listed companies and standard compositors for the betterment of the quality of corporate coverage. The stock exchange committee stated the diminution in subject in corporate one-year coverage and imperativeness release to the absence of capacity at the Zimbabwe stock exchange from 2007.The consequences of the IFRS reappraisal for the published infusions of fiscal describing provinces that the coverage entity do non expose consistence and sometimes look to describe subjective information on which the reader is supplied with information that satisfy their direction aims. hypertext transfer protocol: // It besides states that some companies are non following with the IFRS. A figure of accounting and concern failures recorded around the universe have promoted unfavorable judgment on accounting. The determination shapers have been in a figure of lay waste toing losingss due to accounting dirts and bankruptcy in companies which they have stockholding. These state of affairss might be that the corporations have supplied inaccurate information to the determination shapers. The recent accounting dirts have led to the loss of assurance in fiscal coverage pattern and effectivity of corporate administration mechanisms Bartley 2002 ; Browning 2002 ; O’Connell, et Al. 2005. Even though enterprises have been put frontward to better the quality fiscal coverage, it is clear that the quality fiscal coverage is sometimes biased. In pattern, as can be witnessed by a figure of accounting dirts and bankruptcies, some companies are still printing low-quality fiscal studies and supply misdirecting information to the populace. The quality corporate fiscal coverage remains the dream of most comptrollers. It seems to be a myth that the world of fiscal coverage is different from what people presently believe. However, we have instances whereby companies window dress their histories to do it attractive to investors to purchase portions or put in their companies, which in bend consequences to either loss or prostration of the company at the terminal of the twenty-four hours. The ground for revelation of accounting information is to inform the stockholders on the fiscal deductions and effects of the departures on in the organisation. 1.2 Statement of the job Zimbabwe Stock Exchange is sing a batch of overreaction by irrational investors who have no footing for their determinations despite the published fiscal statement ; it was observed that determination shapers are drawn into the market in a sort of bandwagon consequence, nevertheless the inquiry that begs to be answered is whether investors can trust on fiscal statement information for investing determination devising intents in Zimbabwe. 1.3 Aims of the survey The chief aim of this research work is to analyze the relevancy of published one-year studies of listed companies to determination shapers. The specific aims of the survey are: To analyze the extent to which fiscal studies are used in measuring the overall public presentation of the company. To determine if there exist other finding variables apart from the information provided in one-year studies and histories that influence their investing determination. To determine insufficiencies if any with the current revelation practiced in corporate coverage in Zimbabwe. 1.4 Research Questions To supply a usher in the behavior of the survey the undermentioned inquiries are raised: To what extent are fiscal study used in measuring the overall public presentation of the company? Are one-year study and histories adequate in act uponing thebuy, clasp and sell determination of investor. Are at that place other variables that inform the determination of stockholders to purchase, keep and sell equities? Are there current revelation patterns in corporate coverage in Zimbabwe adequate? 1.5 Significance of the Study The significance of this research work is to give an empirical analysis of corporate one-year study and history and its relevancy to users of fiscal statements. The research would give the research worker a comprehensive apprehension on how fiscal statements can be used by users to do informed judgement and determinations. The survey is besides extremely important to stakeholders as they need accurate information to foretell future public presentation by placing the factors in fiscal study. This work will decidedly add to the organic structure of bing cognition and a usher for other research workers who will transport out research on this capable affair, peculiarly in countries that will non be addressed in the survey. 1.6 Explicating Hypothesis Establishing on the statement of the job, the undermentioned void hypothesis were through empirical observation formulated and tested on the analysis of the relevancy of one-year studies to the determination shapers. H0:That published fiscal statement has no importance in the investors’ determination devising. H1: That published fiscal statement has greater importance in the determination devising by the users. 1.7 Premises The research is traveling to be successfully carried out in the allocated clip The information gathered from samples, respondents and any other beginning will be right Econet Wireless Zimbabwe will run on a traveling concern construct therefore operate in the foreseeable hereafter Datas from respondents will be equal to infer findings and decisions 1.7 Boundary lines This survey is limited to the published fiscal statements and their relevancy to users of fiscal statement, with particular mention to Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, Masvingo and shall cover the period of 2010 to 2013. The population comprised all stakeholders. From the population, a sample of 30 was obtained through the simple random choice technique. 1.8 Restrictions of the survey This survey has been undertaken in malice of the cynicism that dogged the survey right from the construct which constituted restriction to the research worker and these are: Due to the high degree of confidentiality in the administration nowadays non all beginnings relevant to this research is accessed. However the research worker resorted to the usage of other beginnings of information like the accounting manual. Some respondents were non being able to react freely due to work committednesss therefore the research worker followed them in order to entree the information. Secondary informations contained some elements of prejudices so on this regard the research worker put more trust on primary informations. Several disbursals were involved in this work therefore there was limited resources available to the research due to hapless economic status that was non adequate to take attention of high transit cost, letter paper, public dealingss and cost of typing this work and binding. Budget Item Unit of measurement Monetary value sum quantity/trips $ $ printing, photocopying and typing 3 20 Conveyance 7 12 72 telephone charges 1 50 Stationery 20 sundry disbursals 50 Entire 212 The research worker will seek contributions from the administrations and besides beginning financess from relations and friends to finance the research procedure budget. 1.9 Definition of footings Accounting: This is the presentation of consistently developed and accurately recorded fiscal studies about an entity engaged in economic activity to users of such study, reading and analysis of such study to accomplishing their assorted demands. Annual Report: Is a elaborate study on a company’s operations throughout the preceding twelvemonth. This is intended to give stockholders and other stakeholder’s information about the company’s activities and fiscal public presentation. Investors: They are the proprietors of the concern and they need fiscal information to measure the effectivity of the direction in running the concern and the likeliness of hazard if any. Accounting Standards: In a nutshell, these are regulations which indicate the footing of recording, presentation or valuing an point. Relevance: Fiscal statements: these are paperss prepared by the direction of the company to pass on its public presentation to the stockholders and other users Investing ; this means the forfeiture of the present resource for the hereafter. It is the committedness of present resources for future return. Information-these can be said to be the facts needed or received by a individual, or group of individual, or group of individuals which is or will be utile to them. Decision making- can be defined as placing options, measuring such options and taking from such options. It can be viewed as the really cloth of which organized activity is made. 1.10 Organization of the survey Chapter one concentrated on a brief description of the background to the survey, statement of the job, aims of the survey, research premises and boundary line of the survey and ends with an administration of the survey. Chapter two will concentrate on reappraisal of related literature. It focuses on old work done by others authors and research workers on the relevancy of published fiscal statements . A survey of this magnitude required a thorough and critical rating of relevant literature centred on the undermentioned constructs of the job: the empirical reappraisal and justification of the survey. Chapter three will look at the research methodological analysis used in the research procedure and the justifications thereof. The chapter will concentrate on the research design, instance survey, study method, population and sample, questionnaires, interviews, cogency of the instruments and dependability of the instruments. Chapter four will concentrate on informations presentation and treatment of the research findings on the research subject. It analyses the primary informations in the signifier of responses from questionnaires and interviews, and besides secondary informations. Chapter five will show the sum-up, decisions and recommendations. These summaries the major concerns of the research survey as highlighted in chapter one, methods used and the deductions of the findings, besides presenting inquiries for future research. 1.11 Chapter sum-up Research subject was drawn, followed by a brief background of the job. Steering inquiries were outlined. Restrictions and operational definitions were given. The following chapter, which is chapter two, seeks to appreciate what other writers are traveling to state theoretically and through empirical observation about the relevancy of published fiscal statements to the determination shapers
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Integrated Marketing Communcations and Customer Satisfaction Strategy Assignment
Integrated Marketing Communcations and Customer Satisfaction Strategy - Assignment Example The advertising strategy of the company will reflect the company’s mission to improve product and service offerings and make these products and services readily available. Advertising is critical for the company to let the general public know about the existence of the company. Customer awareness is a very important element of any advertising campaign (Knoll, 2012). The advertising initiatives of 360UP are going to help the company reach its marketing goals because more potential customers are going to realize of the existence of the firm’s products and services. â€Å"The value of advertising is based primarily on the number of potential customers that it reaches†(Meyer & Hester, 2003). The use of mass marketing campaigns can be effective at increasing the customer reach of the company. 2) Discuss how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured. An advertising campaign is good if it is effective at accomplishing the company’s goals. 360UP is th e firm that is starting out in the market, thus advertising is critical to the success of the company. The organization will use various methods to determine the effectiveness of its advertising efforts. A simple way to measure how effective advertising has been towards the bottom line of a company is by determining if the sales of the company increased as a consequence of its marketing efforts. Keeping a weekly log of sales and comparing the trend over time is a way to determine if the company has achieved any sales growth after an advertising campaign. Negative sales growth after the implementation of an advertising campaign is an indicator of marketing failure. In order for a company to increase its customer base it must invest in advertising (Hawkins, 2009). There are other specific ways to determine the effectiveness of advertising efforts. The numbers of Facebook or Twitter users that follow the company online are a good metric to measure the effectiveness of online social med ia advertising efforts. If the company uses banner advertising the number of people that click on the banner is a metric that measures the effectiveness of the campaign. 3) Discuss the promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising. 360UP is a company that seeks to expand its business beyond the United States into various international markets. The company will need to use communication adaptation in the future to adequately target foreign customers (Kotler, 2003). Promotions are a great way to increase the revenues of the company in the short term. The first step in evaluating the effectiveness of a promotion is to acquire an understanding of why a customer is interested in purchasing a product or service (Taylor, 1965). 360UP must use a wide variety of promotional techniques to acquire and retain customers. Based on Pareto’s 80-20 rule a firm receives 80% of their customers from 20% of their clients (Hafner, 2001). The use of promotional campaigns can he lp increase the customer retention rate of the company. Five promotional campaigns that the firm can use to attract customers are daily specials, Tuesday extravaganza, flyer coupons, family meals, and value menus. The daily special would consist of offering a different meal from the menu each day at a discounted price. The Tuesday extravaganza is an offer in which the company offers all the meals in its menu at half price from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The flyer coupons is a promotion that provides
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Implementing Lean Approach to Eliminate Non-value-added Activity Essay
Implementing Lean Approach to Eliminate Non-value-added Activity - Essay Example With regard to the second question, it was determined that the JIT significantly decreases the total NVA in the WSS when the huge stock level is declined. This causes the obvious reduction in the variable costs; for example, opportunity costs and warehousing costs. By contrast, the TPM results in better productivity and product quality due to the higher effectiveness of the machine, which is caused by better maintenance systems and practices. Concerning the third question, both external and internal factors are the obstacles and limitations of the Lean application. Ultimately, this pilot research study functions as a guidepost for manager’s of paperboard companies, as well as other continuous operation companies lacking adequate sufficient models, that are seeking means of applying Lean production mechanisms to their firm’s supply chain system. The term, ‘Lean Production’ or ‘Lean Manufacturing’, was first introduced in the seminal book, The Machine that Changed the World by Womack et al. (1990) in order to represent the evolutionary approach against traditional thinking from the 1920s, ‘Mass Production System (MPS)’. This method intends to add values on products or services from the customers’ perspective and enhance efficiency by eliminating wastes or non-value-added activities (NVAs) in the production or supply chain. It requires all people, both management and operational level, in the organization to take part in the improvement (Womack and Jones, 2003; Liker, 2004). The Lean was previously known as ‘Toyota Production System (TPS)’ after the company that developed it in the 1940s. This approach was behind the successful growth of Toyota and other Japanese manufacturers, especially in the 1980s (Ohno 1988; Shingo 1989; Liker, 2004).
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Contributions of Immigrants to Singapore Essay Example for Free
The Contributions of Immigrants to Singapore Essay Singapore began to open itself up as a centre for entrepot trade. It began to import and export goods for different areas to different parts of the world. These immigrants also provided important support services such as workers in the dockyards, plantations, factories and some even provided daily necessities for traders all over the world. All these contributions of the immigrants helped to maintain Singapore as an attractive trading centre and kept it competitive. Without them, Singapore would not have grown so fast from a backwater island to a bustling island of trade and other commercial activities. Hence, the impact of the coming of the immigrants leading Singapore to a well-grown trading centre was the most important. However, besides the impact of growth of Singapore as a trading centre, there were other social impacts such as acts of philanthropy by rich businessmen. These businessmen from different ethnic groups saw the need to contribute to the well-being of the society and started kind acts such as building schools, hospitals and places of worship for their fellow countrymen. An example would be Tan Tock Seng. Such acts were important as they made lives of the immigrants more bearable and ensured that these immigrants were well taken care off so that they could continue to contribute to Singapore growth. All in all, the most important impact of the coming of the immigrants was the growth of Singapore as a trading centre as it is due to their hard work that Singapore could continue to grow and this would benefit everyone. As for the acts of the philanthropists, some of these acts were given to specific ethnic groups only, hence the impact is not as great as the first.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
We Must Prevent Obesity in Children :: Childhood Obesity
Americans are the fattest people on the planet and continue to expand. According to a survey of adult men and women in the United States during 1999-2000, published in JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 30.5% of Americans are obese, up from 22.9% ten years earlier, and nearly two-thirds (64.5%) are overweight (Flegal et al.). Excess weight isn’t just a matter of looks. Obesity magnifies the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other ailments–already overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of chronic illness (Brownell and Horgen 4). An especially disturbing aspect of this trend is that children are increasingly obese. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the percentage of obese children aged 6 to 11 almost quadrupled from 4% in 1974 to 15% in 2000, and the percentage of obese children aged 12 to 19 increased from 6% in 1974 to 15% in 2000 (United States). Obese children have a 70% chance of becoming obese adu lts with a much higher risk of serious illness than those of normal weight (Brownell and Horgen 46). Furthermore, obese children suffer many serious health problems today. Pediatricians now routinely treat atherosclerosis and type II diabetes, diseases that used to be frequent only among older people (Tyre 38). Today’s children are among the first generation in American history who may die at earlier ages than their parents. For most people in the United States, obesity is a matter of individual choice and old-fashioned will power (Lee and Oliver). The usual advice for overweight people is to eat less and exercise more, but how applicable is this advice for children unless they have strong guidance from adults? How can children make intelligent choices about eating in an environment where overeating is normal and where few adults know what’s in the food they eat? The United States has been successful in addressing teenage health problems: drug use has dropped, teenage pregnancy has been reduced, and teen smoking has declined. We need to take a similar proactive response by taking concrete steps to reverse the trend toward more obese children. Many have blamed the rise in obesity on a more sedentary life style, including the move to the suburbs, where people drive instead of walk, and increased viewing of television. One study of children watching television found a significant drop in the average metabolic rate during viewing (Klesges, Shelton, and Klesges).
Monday, January 13, 2020
Mentha Farm Business Plan
Mentha Farm Business Plan (Mentha Garden) Executive Summary Mentha Garden is a 10 acre farm dedicated to the production of Menthol oil (Pipermint oil). Mentha Garden is located at Fatehpur in Barabanki , Uttar pradesh. Mentha Garden is working hard to become a leading producer of Menthol oil in Barabanki for the Stage 2 level industry. Barabanki ranks number one in menthol oil production, which constitute 65-70% of Indian production. Menthol oil is used in Pharmaceuticals, Chewing Tobacco, Pan Masala, Perfumery Compounds, Toothpaste, Mouth Washes, Oral Preparations, Confectionery, Cigarettes .Keys to Success Mentha Garden has identified two keys that will be instrumental in their success. The first is the implementation of strict financial controls. By having the proper controls, production efficiency will be maximized. The second key is the recognition and implementation of the philosophy that 100% customer satisfaction is required to ensure a profitable business. Profits are a by product of satisfying customers, not the other way around. Products Mentha Garden is a 20 acre farm that concentrates on the growing of different variety of Mentha.Mentha Garden will feature:- Mentha Arvensis-Initially the crop grown was called Japani mint/ Mentha Arvensis but subsequently the problems of rains & dryness, this crop was developed and known as MenthaShivalik. Mentha Piperita- The USA being the main producer of Mentha Piperita similarly it is also called American piperita. Though India is developing the quality of Mentha Piperita Comparing to US crop but we have not yet been able grow successfully till now. Process of Deriving Menthol Crystals – Stage 1: Farmers level Mentha arvensis leaves are boiled and oilà ‚ is extracted.Iron vessel is used for the same. Stage 2: Industry level Mentha oil extracted in stage 1 is frozento minus 60 degrees Celsius. This takes about 6 to 7 days. Aluminium vessel is used here. The output consists of 30% De? Mentholised Oil (DMO) and 70% Flakes. Stage 3: Industry Level These flakes are heated at 40 degrees Celsius. The liquid obtained is filtered by cloth and loaded into a machine. Crystals are sown in this liquid and kept for 15 to 20 days. The output is 70% crystal and 30% residual mentha flakes. Iron vessel is used in in this process.Market Menthol Garden sells Raw Menthol oil to the Industry level -2 on market price . Management Team Menthol Garden will be lead by the Sujeet patel and D. K Patel(father). Father brings a wealth of business and management skills to the Garden. Sujeet patel will be responsible for the business operations of the farm and marketing of oil. Financial Plan- Mr. D. K Patel is doing menthol oil farming traditionally but I wanted to apply my Botanical knowledge as well as management skills , what I have learnt in my 12+3+2 level of education .
Sunday, January 5, 2020
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