Thursday, November 28, 2019
Flight Essays - Aerodynamics, Mach Number, Drag, Hypersonic Speed
Flight Research: Airplanes are an efficient way of traveling to far places. Airplanes are amazing if you know what and how the air keeps the plane airborne. There are three components of flight: aerodynamics, the Bernoulli principal and supersonic flight. Some other things about flight are the four forces, lift, drag, weight, and thrust. One of the basic things you need to know about airplanes is that the places where the plane can balance on one point called the center of gravity. The tail on the plane is needed to balance the pitching movement. First of all, aerodynamics plays a major role on many things, especially in airplanes. Aerodynamics is the reaction of the air on the specially shaped wing that lifts an airplane off the ground. Also, aerodynamics is the study of gases in motion. The term aerodynamics comes from the Greeks meaning air power. Isaac Newton bases aerodynamics on the physics theorem. People who experiment with aerodynamics are called aerodynamicist. Their basic tool is the wind tunnel. A professor of engineering, Osborne Reynolds, conducted many experiments with paper airplanes and regular airplanes and found out Viscosity (thickness) affects the way fluids behave. All fluids have some viscosity. As a fluid flows over a surface, the fluid molecules closest to the surface cling microscopic roughness of the surface. As you move away from the surface, there is a small transition distance where the fluid's viscosity limits the change in speed of the adjacent molecules, until at a certain distances the fluid is at full speed. (Paper airplane aerodynamics Osborne invented a number that was devised which gives the importance of viscosity in fluid flow. It's called the Reynold's number. Reynold's number =9340 for air so you'd take 9340x velocity relative to surface (mph) x length over surface fluid has traveled feet. This determines how influential the viscosity is. Secondly, Swiss mathematician and physic ist, Daniel Bernoulli, created Bernoulli's principle in 1738. It stated the concept that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. An increase in the fluid's speed must be matched by a decrease in pressure. The mathematical theorem for the Bernoulli affect is p + ? p V2. One source said, ?the principle also applies to the spinning of a baseball? (Simons, 1989, pg. 23) The rotation causes an additional velocity component to be sent in the direction of rotation. Because of all that, the total velocity around the ball is higher on one side then the other. This is an example of how Bernoulli's principle works. Next, supersonic flight includes speeds from mach one to five: above five are considered hypersonic. The bell X-1 rocket plane first achieved supersonic flight in 1947. ?Many attempts had been made before that but when the plane ran against the sound barrier the pilot often lost control when the shock waves built up against the surface? (Co mpton's 1994). Mach one is considered traveling below the speed of sound (subsonic). Mach two is traveling twice the speed of sound (supersonic). All aircraft's that are traveling at supersonic or hypersonic speed create a shock wave that represents a big change in the air pressure. The shock is in reality a cone shape (a mach cone). The mach cone at mach 1 is more of a hill but as the mach numbers increase, the cone gets pushed back to more of a mountain. As the wave gets closer to the wing, the drag increases dramatically. When you are at subsonic mach numbers, the drag is increased as a result of small wing span or low aspect ratio. ?Low aspect ratio is the ratio of span to mean chord of an airfoil? (Reithmaier, 1995). A typical supersonic airplane gives off two main shock waves: bow shock and tail shock. Next, there are four forces of flight; lift, weight, drag, and thrust. Drag is the air resistance to forward motion. Thrust is produced by the power plant that contracts drag. T he formula for drag is D=1/2 x p x V2 x S x CD. The S in this formula is the area of the wing area of the whole aircraft. If the plane is level, lift will equal weight. In
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Grif Term Paper Essays - Military History By Country, Free Essays
Grif Term Paper Essays - Military History By Country, Free Essays The US-led Coalition Air Campaign Against ISIS Riley Stallings 4/20/18 In last decade, terrorism has gone up by a factor of a four. Its as simple as that. In that last six years, the number of fatalities from terrorist acts in the world increased from roughly 15,000 to a peak of almost 44,000 deaths in 2014. ( Max Roser, Mohamed Nagdy , Hannah Ritchie , 2018) This has coincided with the growth and increased activity of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Da ' esh, in Arabic), or ISIS as it is more commonly referred, in nations such as Iraq and Syria, where it ' s numbers are most prevalent. This Islamic state is a " transnational Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group that controls large areas of Iraq and Syria . " (Christopher Blanchard, Carla Humud, Congressional Research Service, 2017) It has affiliates in several other countries, as well as large groups of supporters worldwide. The group has only since been recognized as one o f the largest threats to worldwide security and human rights in the last four years, despite its founding almost 20 years ago. In 2014, many nations of the world, lead by the United States, formed a coalition, which now has 75 partners worldwide, with the goal of " degrading and ultimately defeating Daesh. " (The Global Coalition, 2014) This coalition has coordinated efforts to reduce the size and power of the Islamic state through military action, and the development of strategies and tactics to reduce the number of personnel. This coalition and its actions, specifically its use of air strikes, have been called into question and have gained a lot of attention about the ethical responsibility of the coalition. Examination of the casualty data in the Middle East , from the nations that are the most afflicted by the Islamic State, has brought forward criticism of the ever-growing number of civilian lives taken by these airstrikes. The US-led coalition ' s air cam paign against the Islamic State has had a profound affect on not only the population of the Islamic state, but also the population of civilians living in and around territories occupied by the Islamic State. The Islamic state has a history of over a decade of power struggles, mostly relating to the changing over of leadership, and struggles with its affiliation with other groups in the Middle East . According to Kenneth Katzman, a specialist in Middle East ern Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, in 2006, a leader in the Al Qaeda organization, branched off of the organization and created the self-titled Al Qaeda in Iraq, which he later rebranded into the Islamic State in Iraq. This is the first emergence of the Islamic State in the Middle East . Later, in 2013, after the suicide bombing of the leader of the first Islamic State, Abu Ayyub Al-Masri, a new leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, had taken over and, he rebrands the organization into the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria, as we now know the terrorist organization. (Tara John, Time Magazine) According to Fawaz A Gerges, who wrote ISIS: A History , this organization began to extend their reach, spreading to and conquering the City of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. In the fighting for control of Mosul, the Islamic State reduced the size of the Iraqi Security Force, which was a US-trained and US-funded group, from roughly 280,000 active duty personnel to a mere 50,000 men. The author then goes on to talk about how the US president at the time, President Barack Obama, dismissed this somewhat obvious danger to international security as amateurish and that it did not present a serious threat to America ' s or its allies ' interests. In Barack Obama ' s exact words, " The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a j.v. ' team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn ' t make them Kobe Bryant. . . . I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The old kingdom in kemetic (egypion) history Research Paper
The old kingdom in kemetic (egypion) history - Research Paper Example The high level of the development of the Egyptian civilization during this period created the foundation from which this kingdom would not only remain in existence for thousands of years. However, also for its expansion as in later years, it came to expand southwards into Nubia and towards the north into the Sinai Peninsula and beyond in to the Middle East. The Old Kingdom is of great significance to the rest of the ancient Egyptian period because it set precedents, which would be followed in the further development of its civilization as well as the basis upon which its society would become the most civilized in the ancient world. While there is still some debate concerning the duration of the Old Kingdom, it is estimated that it existed between the Third and Sixth Dynasties, and this period marked a time when there was incredible development in ancient Egypt. This development was not only administrative but also social and economic and these came to a large extent, to affect the li ves of all the Egyptians. In this period, the capital of the kingdom was based in Memphis, which had been founded by Menes, the first pharaoh of a united Egypt, as an administrative center. Memphis was probably chosen as the sight of the new capital of this kingdom because it was centrally placed between the two kingdoms which had been united to form Egypt, namely Upper and Lower Egypt. Because of its central position, the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom were able to administer their kingdom easily, meaning that the old divisions between Upper and Lower Egypt were set aside and the entire nation developed as a single cohesive unit, with little variation between them.1 It was during this period that Memphis achieved its place not only in Egypt but also in the ancient world as being among the most sophisticated places and this meant that it was able to attract individuals, mostly merchants and diplomats, from as far as Babylonia who came to conduct their business within it. It also served not only as the administrative center of the Egyptian state but also as its religious center, and being the latter, it was the sight of many pilgrimages, especially by the Egyptian nobility from the different parts of the state. Starting from the Third Dynasty, there were large-scale construction projects, which either had a direct impact on the lives of many Egyptians because many of the men were directly or indirectly employed in the constructions instituted by the pharaohs. The swift development of the Egyptian civilisation during the Old Kingdom saw the construction of numerous pyramids, which served as the tombs of the kings of this ancient nation. The power of the pharaohs had come to be so great and absolute that many of their subjects came to consider them to be living gods whose every command was to be accomplished unquestioningly by their subjects.2 This created a situation where a lot of dedication was involved in ensuring that the final resting places of these pharaohs were built to last for posterity. The fact that the pharaohs of this period were considered living gods meant that a lot of time and effort as well as the resources of the Egyptian state was diverted to satisfy their large construction projects and this trend was to continue for the next three thousand years as succeeding dynasties continued to demand the same dedication. The large constructio
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Comparative Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Comparative Corporate Governance - Essay Example Apart from the governance framework it also includes the legal, institutional, ethical and regulatory framework of the community. Corporate governance is also responsible for the accountability to capital providers. It deals with the conflicts between the management and the investors. In a broad perspective, corporate governance is defined as the ways in which an organization is administered, controlled and directed (Corpgov, 2012). The corporate governance norms have shown a trend towards a growing convergence. Growth of globalization boosted by technological advancement has allowed the stakeholders to maintain a close relation and connectivity with the company (Carati and Rad, 2000). The advent of internet connectivity has made the global business market an open platform, where the stakeholders can easily compare between different governance norms followed in different organizations. Most of the firms operate in perspective of multi- national stakeholders, where the investors of a particular company belong to different cultures. As a result the firms needed to adopt a commonly accepted and globally used corporate governance system. The convergence of the corporate governance is to make sure that all the stakeholders, employees, and the management work in a convergent way so as to create value to the organization and all associated individual (Strandberg, 2005). Previously, the governance process was only focu sed on the firm’s compliance to set rules and regulations. Eventually the process has evolved from box-ticking approach to a behavioural transformation, which allows the organization to not only make sure that it is moving in the right direction but also it ensures value addition for the stakeholders. The importance of stakeholders has become a major concern for the firms, as they represent the primary determinant of the organizational success (Vogt, 2007). Among the stake holders the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Current Environmental Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Current Environmental Issue - Essay Example This implies that this is anthropogenic climate, and the noteworthy upsurges in the air of these powerful greenhouse gases are as a result of human practices. The most forces of the conservatory gases are carbon dioxide, methane as well as nitrous oxide. These gases accumulate in the atmosphere, resulting into concentrations to escalation with time. Significant increases in all these gases have happened in the industrialized period. Accordingly, all these increases are attributed to human practices. For instance, carbon dioxide has amplified from fossil fuel usage in transport, construction heating and cooling, as well as the production of cement and other products. Deforestation discharges carbon dioxide and lessens its uptake by vegetation. On the other hand, methane has amplified because of human practices associated with agriculture, natural gas circulation and landfills. It is discharged from natural processes that take place in swamplands. Nitrous oxide is also produced by huma n practices including the use of manures and the fossil fuels burning. Natural processes in soils and the oceans also discharge nitrous oxide into the atmosphere thus interfering with the climate change, which leads to global warming and its consequences. ... They comprise of both natural influence and human influences. For instance, burning of biomass and use of fossil fuels involving sulphur compounds as well as black carbon among others are all human activities that lead to aerosol formation. Furthermore, human practices such as mining and industrial activities have increased dust in the atmosphere. Therefore, anthropogenic climate change is greatly because of human events on earth. According to studies, the universe has a natural greenhouse effect where particular gases referred to as greenhouse gases in the troposphere permit the sunshine to enter but absorb the heat radioactivity. Because these gases absorb the heat, they maintain the average surface temperature on the universe. Therefore, without the ordinary greenhouse effect, the universe`s average surface temperature would be negative nineteen degrees Celsius. Human practices have augmented the amount if greenhouse gases on earth since the commencement of the industrial uprising . The increased amount of gases that take in heat has directly caused more heat being reserved in the atmosphere and thus intensification in universal average surface temperatures. This transformation in temperature is referred to as global warming. The increase in temperature is also resulting into other impacts on the climate system. Therefore, all these affects linked together are referred to as anthropogenic meaning human cause climate change. Climate change fits within the definition of the concept of anthropogenic change because the effects that are encountered from climate change are because of human caused activities. For instance, the increase in human population led to the
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Cloud Computing Assignment
The Cloud Computing Assignment With the development of Internet and computer software technology, there is a long term existence of a new trend expected to continue, which is the so-called Cloud Computing. (Hu, L et al, 2009) Boss et al. (2007, p. 4) argue that a Cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources. (Weinhardt, C et al, 2008) This paper will briefly look into the definitions of cloud computing and its service models, and introduces a cloud computing service by Google for education and universities with its benefits. Introduction Boss et al. (2007, p. 4), argue that a Cloud is a pool of virtualized computer resources. They consider clouds to complement grid environments by supporting the management of grid resources. In particular, according to this definition, clouds allow the dynamic scale-in and scale -out of applications by the provisioning and de-provisioning of resources. (Weinhardt, C et al, 2008) The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as a model for enabling convenient and on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as networks, servers, storage, applications and services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Wikipedia website defines cloud computing as an Internet based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like a public utility. In cloud computing environment, applications and the storage of data are significantly different. Applications and data are hosted to the Cloud and no longer running or saved on the personal computers. The cloud is formed by a collection of servers and computers and viewing the data and using the applications are done via the Internet. Cloud computing allows the users to access the applications and information from any computer connected to the Internet from anywhere around the world. This makes the remote collaboration easier for the users. Although cloud computing brings a great flexibility and ease of use for the users, but the security and safety of the applications and information is a major concern which must be considered and be prepared to solve any problems that may occur when switching to cloud computing as web-based data and applications have potential security risks. (Hu, L et al, 2009) What Comprises Cloud Computing? According to the definition of cloud computing by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which mentioned earlier in this paper, cloud computing promotes availability and is comprised by five essential characteristics, three cloud service models, and four cloud deployment models. (See Figure 2) Essential Characteristics Service Models Deployment Models The service models comprise; cloud software as a service (SaaS), cloud platform as a service (PaaS) and cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) The users are able to use the providers applications running on a cloud infrastructure. Users can access the applications from different client devices via a client interface such as web browsers. (For example, yahoo email which is web-based). The application providers manage and control the underlying cloud infrastructure including storage, operating systems and networks. This service model usually put limitation on configuration of the applications by users. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) The users are capable of deploying onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created by using programming languages and tools which are supported by the providers. Like (SaaS) the users don not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including storage, operating systems and network but they have control on deployed applications and possibly are able to configure the applications. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) The users are provided with the capability of provision processing, storage, and networks and able to deploy and run arbitrary software including operating systems and applications. Like the other two services that mentioned above, the users do not manage the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over deployed applications, storage and operating systems. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009) Discussion The Internet service providers such as Amazon, Google and IBM are extending computing infrastructures and platforms as a core for providing top level services for computation, storage, database and applications. Figure 3 gives an overview of the type of cloud computing services on demand and their providers. Universities needs for ICT and cloud computing In a very simplified way, the needs for ICT in a university are demonstrated in figure 4. There are different groups and departments in a university including students and staff who have demand for IT services. As shown in figure 4, an IT department should provide software such as email accounts, special applications for different courses and hardware such as computers and servers for the users. The IT department can shift these services to the cloud to enable students and staff using these services via the providers of SaaS, IaaS and PaaS. For example, an application which is launched by a student resides on the server of the SaaS cloud provider and is accessed via the Internet. Another example is, many of the Customer Relationships Management (CRM) software such as SugarCRM, Oracle and Microsoft CRM are on host SaaS as well as on premise. The same situation applies when extra hardware such as virtual servers or computers is needed for students and staff. In this scenario, the IaaS cloud provider will execute the service online. If a department or group in the university wants to use all the software and hardware that they need online (i.e. for hosting application developed by a group of students) then it is possible through a PaaS cloud provider. (Sultan, 2010) Cloud Computing Costs Cloud computing can help the universities to rationalize the way they manage their resources. One of the good reasons for shifting to cloud computing is to get economic benefit in current recession. Cloud computing prove to be a great benefit and empowering in some situations to the universities due to its flexibility and cost structure. (Sultan, 2010) Simplification, costs and convenience of the way of delivering computer related services via cloud computing are the keys which should be considered for shifting to the cloud. Cloud computing reduces IT costs such as installation and maintaining of applications. Also continues upgrade of software and hardware and the cost of these products is another reason for universities to consider shifting to cloud computing. To promote the university and attract students, universities should always be on the lookout for the new IT services and products. Cloud computing is a way to achieve these products (Software Hardware) at affordable prices. The electricity costs for running an IT infrastructure in a university for hardware such as servers, switches and back-up drives could be very expensive. Therefore shifting a university to cloud computing is likely to reduce these costs and other related expenses. (Joint et al, 2009) In addition, cloud computing means shifting the management and responsibility of these service and products to their provider. This may result in cost saving with relation to human resources as fewer IT employees will be needed for the IT department. Cloud Computing and the environment By reducing the number of hardware devices needed in the university to run the software and applications and replacing them with cloud computing systems, the amount of energy for running and cooling the hardware devices will be reduced. Also using cloud computing telecommunication techniques such as printing and file transfers reduces the need for office space, buying office furniture, disposing of old furniture, buying chemicals for cleaning the offices and more. Those cloud telecommunication techniques also may reduce the need for driving to work and resulting in decrease with relation to carbon dioxide emissions. (IBM, 2010) Google Apps for Higher Education; Less IT More IQ Google offers cloud computing services for higher education and is called Google Apps. Google Apps consists of advanced communication and collaboration tools for education and universities without the cost and complexity of maintaining on-site hardware and software free of charge and advertisements. Currently many of the universities, colleges and schools from all around the world including Kingston College, University of Leeds and University of Portsmouth in the UK are using Google Apps. (See figure 5) Google Apps enable the students getting connected to the campus with mobile access wand 7 GBs email storage which is protected against spam and viruses. It also enables them to stay connected with built-in instance messaging (IM), voice and video chat and file transfering. Students can share calendar and schedule groups, rooms and so on from even mobile phones. Creating and sharing documents such as word, spreadsheets and presentations online from any location by students and teachers is the collaboration feature of Google Apps. They can also share videos that anyone can comment on, tag and rate. Also they are able to build shared websites that include videos, images and documents, create forums and mailing lists. Using Google Apps helps the IT staff to focus on other activities such as adding value to the IT facilities rather than being worried and engaged with the IT problems which may occur. There is no software to install, and no need for hardware. Google Apps have created a multitude of APIs and have approved partners to help the universities for integrating with their existing IT system. (Google, 2010) Conclusion Cloud computing is an emerging and a good model of delivering computing services for education by relying on existing technologies such as Internet, web services and virtualization. It offers the universities substantial cost saving and more efficient way of providing IT services to the students and staff. The universities can reduce their IT services cost such as software, hardware, and maintenance of the applications and shift the responsibility of the IT services to the service providers. Google Apps is an example of cloud computing system for education which is discussed earlier in this paper. Students can get real benefits of Google Apps such as 7 GBs email storage, easy collaboration with each other and the lecturers and so on. Furthermore, cloud computing is environmentally friendly as the reduction in number of hardware devices decreases the amount of energy for running and cooling those devices. Also cloud computing telecommunication techniques reduces the need for driving to work and results in reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. It is important to consider that cloud computing might not be suitable for all organisations such as those which the loss of service as a result of cloud problems is a major concern and may have an impact on their customer services and loss of sales. Unreliable IT services in a university makes a bad reputation and have effect on the university rank. In conclusion, with the speed of technology innovation and the benefits of clouding it is likely that in the near future the education centres shift their IT services to the cloud. Therefore the safety and security of the critical data and information is an issue in cloud computing which should be considered by the providers to attract the education centres. For example the law would possibly allow the governments or other organisations to access certain data and information. Thus for the time being the universities should consider clouding only on certain data and resources not the critical information.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Mudslides: Causes and Effects :: essays research papers
Living in Bangladesh, we have seen quite disastrous mudslides from the past few years. Mudslide is also called a landslide or a land slip. It is a downward mass movement of earth or rock on unstable slopes, including many forms resulting from differences in rock structure, coherence of material involved, degree of slope, amount of included water, extent of natural or artificial undercutting at the base of the slope, relative rate of movement, and relative quantity of material involved. There are numerous facts that can cause a mudslide and there are also numerous effects that it can cause us. Mudslides usually occur in hilly areas, for an example, when there was a mudslide in Bangladesh few months back, it occurred at Chittagong. Mudslides occur when a portion of a hill side becomes too weak to hold up its own weight. This is generally caused by an intense amount of rain fall. With all of the new water introduced into the slope the content of liquid makes it so heavy that gravity pulls it downward. Although water plays a major factor in creating the mud that flows in a mudslide the real reason that the land begins to slide is gravity. What happens is mudslides redistribute soil and sediments in a process that can be in abrupt collapses or in slow gradual slides. Some other factors in causing mudslides are earthquakes, slope failures, heavy storms. All of the natural causes of mudslides are not nearly as bad as the human made causes such as grading terrain cutting, and excessive development. Over development especially in hilly areas can cause mudslides that are dangerous. Hundreds of people die each year from the effects of mudslides. Health hazards are one of the main effects of mudslides. Rapid moving water and wreckage lead to trauma for the sufferers. Clogged drainages can also cause spread of diseases. Broken electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines can result in injury or illness. Environmental hazards arise as well from hazardous materials and waste. Hazardous materials concerns could arise from spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, or solvents from containers or vehicles. Spills could contaminate soils or leach into ground or surface water. And environmental hazards could adversely affect humans, wild life, vegetation and water supply. Electrical hazards could include vegetation or equipment fires, electrical burns, or electrocutions to humans or animals. Electrical hazards could take place anywhere near energized conductors or facilities. Mudslides: Causes and Effects :: essays research papers Living in Bangladesh, we have seen quite disastrous mudslides from the past few years. Mudslide is also called a landslide or a land slip. It is a downward mass movement of earth or rock on unstable slopes, including many forms resulting from differences in rock structure, coherence of material involved, degree of slope, amount of included water, extent of natural or artificial undercutting at the base of the slope, relative rate of movement, and relative quantity of material involved. There are numerous facts that can cause a mudslide and there are also numerous effects that it can cause us. Mudslides usually occur in hilly areas, for an example, when there was a mudslide in Bangladesh few months back, it occurred at Chittagong. Mudslides occur when a portion of a hill side becomes too weak to hold up its own weight. This is generally caused by an intense amount of rain fall. With all of the new water introduced into the slope the content of liquid makes it so heavy that gravity pulls it downward. Although water plays a major factor in creating the mud that flows in a mudslide the real reason that the land begins to slide is gravity. What happens is mudslides redistribute soil and sediments in a process that can be in abrupt collapses or in slow gradual slides. Some other factors in causing mudslides are earthquakes, slope failures, heavy storms. All of the natural causes of mudslides are not nearly as bad as the human made causes such as grading terrain cutting, and excessive development. Over development especially in hilly areas can cause mudslides that are dangerous. Hundreds of people die each year from the effects of mudslides. Health hazards are one of the main effects of mudslides. Rapid moving water and wreckage lead to trauma for the sufferers. Clogged drainages can also cause spread of diseases. Broken electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines can result in injury or illness. Environmental hazards arise as well from hazardous materials and waste. Hazardous materials concerns could arise from spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, or solvents from containers or vehicles. Spills could contaminate soils or leach into ground or surface water. And environmental hazards could adversely affect humans, wild life, vegetation and water supply. Electrical hazards could include vegetation or equipment fires, electrical burns, or electrocutions to humans or animals. Electrical hazards could take place anywhere near energized conductors or facilities.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Investigating Business Essay
In this section, I will give a detailed explanation of the marketing mix and why it is used in businesses. I will be giving a detailed analysis’ of the Product, Pricing, Place and Promotions. This section is based on about how I found my target market and then fulfilling their wants and needs. Marketing Mix Marketing mix: ‘Provides a recipe for effective marketing’: tutor2u. net Marketing is the term used to describe a range of activities within a business that are designed to keep existing customers and to gain new ones. The ‘marketing cycle’ begins with the objectives of the business, which feed into marketing objectives. Next comes, Market analysis, involving the business looking at its position in the market and the ways it can best take advantage. Market research will be used to fid out which groups can best be targeted, and how. Market planning will include how, when and where to target markets. It includes test produces and test marketing. A marketing mix needs to be developed so that a successful balance of price, product, promotion and distribution is achieved. The marketing mix: Product The product refers to the different range of products supplied by a business. A product can be either a good or a service. It is just one part of the marketing mix and will only be successful if properly combined with marketing. Good market researchers will identify where new products are needed or existing products can expand. The product lifecycle The product lifestyle shows the stages that a product goes through from development to decline. There are five stages to the life of a product and they are development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The first stage is development. This is where the product is being developed it will not be growing as it is currently not on the market yet. Nobody will know what it is as it hasn’t yet been launched. The launch stage also known as the introduction is the second stage. This is where the product will begin to grow little by little. As it is a new product no body knows about it and therefore on a product lifecycle chart, it starts off at the very bottom, with no sales. The producer will need to create brand awareness so people know that the product exists. Brand awareness could be an objective set by the company. Brand awareness could be achieved in many different ways such as advertising in the local paper or on national T. V. depending where the product will be sold in my case it will be sold locally so it will be most likely to be advertised in a local paper. When the consumers are more aware of the product they are most likely to buy it, as, sales will go up and the product then goes into its next stage of growth. Once, the product comes to the end of the decline stage then it is likely that the company will stop producing it, as they will eventually make a loss instead of a profit. However, not all products will reach the declining stage. The product lifestyle can be shown on a graph to the left. Currently, my product is at the development stage. I am currently finding out my customers need and wants through market research such as field and desk research, I am developing my product around what they want, this is important as they are buying it. If my product is successful it will evolve through the product lifecycle. As my product is a new product and not yet on the market I will need to do a lot of advertising to create brand awareness, through carrying this out successfully it will mean my product will get a good head start in the launch stage. When it becomes more popular I will the advertise in different ways such as television advertising, as this was the most effective way of advertising (results from questionnaire), with advertising in this way my product will be known nationally instead of originally locally. The marketing mix: Price Price is one of the elements of the marketing mix. The marketing mix term is used to refer to the balance between these different elements. Businesses need to get the mix right and in order to do this they need to decide on a price that is appropriate to the product. Most times, all prices determine by the interaction of supply and demand. In some countries, buyers and sellers still bargain until both are satisfied with the price. The auction process such as eBay mirrors this. However, this process can be time consuming and the seller usually sets the price and the buyer shows their acceptance of this by buying at that price. Price will vary according to the circumstances. Normally, if you start a new business you will have to research the market very carefully, examining competitors’ pricing very carefully. What will customers buy on price, example, buy the cheapest? The numbers of pricing strategies which can be used are the choice of pricing strategies that will depend to some extent on the long term objectives of the business- how it wishes to position itself in the marketplace, or how important its financial needs are. The examples of long term objectives are: * Making a profit * Pricing to keep the competitors out of the market * Pricing which positions the company at the luxury end of the market * Pricing to maximise sales and make the business a market leader. Commonly prices are based on the marketing needs of the business. There are often temporary price strategies used to achieve a particular short-term target, called tactical pricing. Promotional pricing is designed to increase sales quickly. This can be done using low prices or discounts, special offers or (buy one get one free. ) The marketing mix: Promotion Promotion involves telling the customers that a product exists, and attempting to persuade them to buy it. It is important to remember that this is just one part of the marketing mix; it is linked to other parts. Promotion is usually divided into advertising and sales promotion. Using different media such as TV, newspapers and magazines, posters, the internet and sponsorship are one of the different techniques of communication. Large businesses have the advantage of resources in promoting products to a mass market. Though, small businesses can make can make variety of promotional techniques in a local area or niche market and achieve good communication with the target market. One of the best promotional tools of a small business is a well-designed website. Place Place is often referred to the fourth ‘P’ of the marketing mix. It has two key parts to it. Firstly, it is the market where goods and services are sold. This may be physical ‘place’ like a shop, market or trading floor, or it may have no physical existence but be the a market that exists on the phone or, increasingly, in cyberspace. The place where something is sold does not have to be solid; it just refers to the place where the transaction occurs. Secondly, ‘place’ refers to the transaction occurs. Secondly, ‘place’ refers the efficient distribution of goods. Most retail outlets can take many different forms. For example vending machines is a retail outlet, as is a department store. They are categorised by the type of range of goods or services they sell, and their geographical range and position. Multiples provide a brand identify for all of their sites. My product From carrying out primary and secondary research I have been able to choose exactly what my final product is. In carrying out field and desk research it enabled me to find out exactly who my target market is, how to segment the market and finding out and full filling my customers’ needs and wants. This is one of my four objectives. As my product is a new product it is currently at the introduction/launch pad, as nobody knows about it so far, but it will work its way along the graph. My product is a 3D indoor stimulating ride. As analyzed in my questionnaire a large group of the target market would like to see something different introduced in the theme park. This stimulator will include features that no other stimulator has ever included. As mentioned before, this ride is based on a classic book and film, Alice in Wonderland. Firstly the 3D stimulator will be one of the tallest stimulators in the world. The ride will be 395 feet high (beating Las Vegas Stratocasters record. ) with the speed of 150mph. As this is a suspense/vertical drop ride, people will be expecting to be entering a normal looking 3D stimulator ride but as the ride begins, they will be in for a shock. The ride will begin with a small voice of Alice speaking to the rabbit. After, the 3D screen will appear with the clip of Alice following the Rabbit. The ride will shake as it follows the motion of Alice’s footstep. As Alice’s follows the rabbit she will then see a small bottle labelled â€Å"drink me. †After Alice drinks the content from the bottle, the screen will switch off, a puff of white smoke will appear and a distorted nursery rhyme will be heard. The 3D stimulators will then shake vigorously and tilt forward. Flashing images of Alice’s face will appear from the screen with psychedelic patterns and colours. The stimulator will then spin around at a speed of 60mph for 40 seconds and unexpectedly stop. Then The ride will tilt even more and there will be an opening right below the people on the ride. This opening will have a slight cold breeze and will be pitch black. The ride will then drop down vertically from 395 feet, and that will be the end of the ride. This is the poster to my product: Safety As this ride will have a lot of dangers, safety is essential. Firstly, as the people will enter the simulator ride they will have to abide by the height restrictions (min. 1. 4m) anyone under that height will not be permitted onto the ride. Any pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems or any other serious conditions, won’t be allowed on the ride. Seatbelts must be double checked before the ride begins. If any accidents occur during the rides i. e. vomiting then the ride will automatically stop and medical help will come straight away. Also, there will be paramedics in the area if any accident occurs. Branding From conducting my questionnaire in my primary research, it showed me that most people would prefer a scary themed ride, but I needed further information in how I was going to present the merchandises to the target markets. However from my secondary research it showed that most people would like a horror theme vertical drop ride. I decided to link the horror themed ride (chosen by the target market) with the other most popular choice, the 3D stimulator and combined the two together. For the merchandisers, I’ve decide to use Alice in terror land doll key chains, similar to the slasher film, Chucky the killer Doll. The features will include a sensor. The dolls eyes will follow you’re movement. This will also include a mini torch.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Battle of South Mountain - Battle of South Mountain Civil War
Battle of South Mountain - Battle of South Mountain Civil War Battle of South Mountain - Conflict: The Battle of South Mountain was part of the 1862 Maryland Campaign during the American Civil War. Battle of South Mountain - Date: Union forces attacked the gaps on September 14, 1862. Armies Commanders: Union Major General George B. McClellan28,000 men Confederates General Robert E. Lee18,000 men Battle of South Mountain - Background: In September 1862, Confederate General Robert E. Lee began moving his Army of Northern Virginia north into Maryland with the goal of severing the rail lines to Washington and securing supplies for his men. Dividing his army, he sent Major General Thomas Stonewall Jackson to capture Harpers Ferry, while Major General James Longstreet occupied Hagerstown. Pursuing Lee north, Union Major General George B. McClellan was alerted on September 13, that a copy of Lees plans had been found by soldiers from the 27th Indiana Infantry. Known as Special Order 191, the document was found in an envelope with three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper near a campsite recently used by Major General Daniel H. Hills Confederate division. Reading the orders, McClellan learned Lees marching routes and that the Confederates were spread out. Moving with uncharacteristic speed, McClellan began putting his troops in motion with the goal of defeating the Confederates before they could unite. To expedite passing over South Mountain, the Union commander divided his force into three wings. Battle of South Mountain - Cramptons Gap: The Left Wing, led by Major General William B. Frankin was assigned to capture Cramptons Gap. Moving through Burkittsville, MD, Franklin began deploying his corps near the base of South Mountain early on September 14. At the eastern base of the gap, Colonel William A. Parham commanded the Confederate defense which consisted of 500 men behind a low stone wall. After three hours of preparations, Franklin advanced and easily overwhelmed the defenders. In the fighting, 400 Confederates were captured, most of who were part of a reinforcement column sent to aid Parham. Battle of South Mountain - Turners Foxs Gaps: To the north, the defense of Turners and Foxs Gaps was tasked to the 5,000 men of Major General Daniel H. Hills division. Spread over a two mile front, they faced the Right Wing of the Army of the Potomac led by Major General Ambrose Burnside. Around 9:00 AM, Burnside ordered Major General Jesse Renos IX Corps to attack Foxs Gap. Led by the Kanawha Division, this assault secured much of land south of the gap. Pressing the attack, Renos men were able to drive Confederate troops from a stone wall along the crest of the ridge. Exhausted from their efforts, they failed to follow up this success and the Confederates formed a new defense near the Daniel Wise farm. This position was reinforced when Brigadier General John Bell Hoods Texas Brigade arrived. Re-commencing the attack, Reno was unable to take the farm and was killed in the fighting. To the north at Turners Gap, Burnside sent Brigadier General John Gibbons Iron Brigade up the National Road to attack Colonel Alfred H. Colquitts Confederate brigade. Overrunning the Confederates, Gibbons men drove them back up into the gap. Widening the assault, Burnside had Major General Joseph Hooker commit the bulk of I Corps to the attack. Pressing forward, they were able to drive the Confederates back, but were prevented from taking the gap by the arrival of enemy reinforcements, failing daylight, and rough terrain. As night fell, Lee assessed his situation. With Cramptons Gap lost and his defensive line stretched to the breaking point, he elected to withdraw west in an effort to reconcentrate his army. Aftermath of the Battle of South Mountain: In the fighting at South Mountain, McClellan suffered 443 killed, 1,807 wounded, and 75 missing. Fighting on the defensive, Confederate losses were lighter and numbered 325 killed, 1560 wounded, and 800 missing. Having taken the gaps, McClellan was in prime position to achieve his goal of attacking the elements of Lees army before they could unite. Unfortunately, McClellan reverted to the slow, cautious behavior which had been the hallmark of his failed Peninsula Campaign. Lingering on September 15, he provided time for Lee to reconcentrate the bulk of his army behind Antietam Creek. Finally moving forward, McClellan engaged Lee two days later at the Battle of Antietam. Despite McClellans failure to capitalize on the capture of the gaps, the victory at South Mountain provided a much needed victory for the Army of the Potomac and helped to improve morale after a summer of failures. Also, the engagement ended Lees hopes for staging a prolonged campaign on Northern soil and put him on the defensive. Forced into making a bloody stand at Antietam, Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia were compelled to retreat back to Virginia after the battle. Selected Sources Son of the South: Battle of South MountainCWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of South Mountain
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Roe V Wade Essays - Sexual Revolution, United States Law
Roe V Wade Essays - Sexual Revolution, United States Law Roe V Wade Daniel DellaCroce Law and the Legal System Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 The case of Roe v. Wade started back in the state of Texas. This was where a single pregnant woman brought a class action challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws. This is where in Texas it is a criminal offense to have an abortion. The case got to the Supreme Court by way of the district court by the state of Texas appealing to the Supreme Court to over turn the ruling of the district court. The district court found that Roe did have grounds to file the suit against the state of Texas. This was on the grounds that the abortion laws in Texas infringed on the ninth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution. The case was brought to the Supreme Court based on a woman who had sought to get an abortion in the state of Texas. She sought out a doctor named Hallford, who had done many other abortions in other states. Hallford subsequently at the time of the trial was pending two other abortion prosecutions against him. The main theory that Roe argued before the Supreme Court was the fact that outlawing abortion was infringing on a womans right to privacy. These rights are covered under the ninth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution. Roe questioned on whether or not the state of Texas could pass a law that infringed on these rights, if abortion was covered under these rights at all. Texas had stated that an abortion was only legal when the mothers life was threatened. The case was brought before the Supreme Court because it handled a law that could be unconstitutional. The mail issue before the Supreme Court was on whether or not a womans right to an abortion was covered under the constitution. Does the Constitution embrace the right of a woman to obtain an abortion, nullifying the Texas prohibition? If it were covered under the ninth and fourteenth amendments then it would be affecting the whole country. The Supreme Court in a decision five to four held that abortion was covered under the ninth and fourteenth amendments. The Supreme Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision gave a woman a right to abortion during the entirety of the pregnancy and defined different levels of state interest for regulating abortion in the second and third trimesters.
Monday, November 4, 2019
American Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
American Global Trade - Essay Example But they have also caused some friction. The trade relationship between US and China has become increasingly central to the economies of both countries. China's economy has been growing at roughly ten percent a year for more than two decades, and its growth has been closely tied to the open trade and investment regimes of the major economies of the world. Exports account for 40 percent of China's gross domestic product (GDP), and China has depended on the growth of its export sector to spur modernization of its economy and support improved standards of living. The World Bank estimates that during the past two decades (1980s and 1990s), nearly 400 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty. According to Chinese data, the United States market has directly accounted for 22 percent of China's phenomenal export growth over the last twenty years. The enormous scope and scale of the changes that have occurred in China's trading posture and in our bilateral trade relationship pose continual challenges. ... U.S.-China Trade U.S. policy is to further open China's markets to U.S. firms, and to encourage China to correct imbalances within its system. The U.S. supported China's WTO membership as a big step toward eliminating market barriers to U.S. companies. The U.S. continues to work with China's leaders and reformers to achieve full and effective compliance with China's WTO commitments in order to increase U.S. exports to the PRC. Ever since Deng Xiaoping ushered in a wave of liberalization in the late 1970s, the world has witnessed a surge in Chinese economic power. Over the last quarter century, China has averaged 9.5 percent growth annually, more than quadrupled its gross domestic product (GDP), and lifted over 400 million of its citizens out of poverty. In 1977, China had the thirtieth-ranked trade volume in the world; in ten years it is projected to be the world's top trading nation; and in fifteen, it will likely have the world's largest GDP. This rapid rise was aided by the normal trade relations China established with the United States in 1979, and later by China's accession into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. But U.S.-Chinese trade relations have always been somewhat uneasy; for many years, Congress used an annual review of China's "Most Favored Nation" trading status to link trade liberalization with Beijing's human rights record. More recently, U.S. leaders have begun to worry about a massive trade imbalance that continues to grow. Protectionists in Washington and Beijing have begun to dig in their heels against the powerful economic forces that are changing their nations, while U.S. calls for China to revalue its currency and crack down on counterfeiting have not made much headway. Trade Volume A major factor in China's quick
Friday, November 1, 2019
How do Power and Policitcs in an Organization as well as Communication Essay
How do Power and Policitcs in an Organization as well as Communication involve Leadership and Organizational Processes - Essay Example Therefore, in the context of an organization, power and politics are very closely linked. Power is a leaders' ability to influence other people' activities and behavior whereas politics lies in exercising power and influence in the organization towards the fulfillment of a person's individual goals rather than organizational. The "power influence approach" by Yukl (1989) states that the efficiency of the leadership process in an organization depends on the extent and level of power that is occupied by the leader. It lies in the person's ability to gain, maintain and enhance the extent and level of power they possess. Therefore, both the factors; power and politics determine the efficiency of leadership process in the accomplishment of goals and objectives in an organization. The power and political factors are involved in the leadership and organizational process in the manner that the goals and objectives of an organization are achieved by the collaboration of leaders and group members where leaders play the role of controllers and directors whereas the group members act as followers and participants towards the accomplishment of these goals.
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